
Mining method:

Open pit


Up to 0.5 Mtpa CIL

Gold recovery:


Sudan (Gold) – Since 2014, Emiral’s leading project is Kush, exploring for gold in the Republic of the Sudan, as well as its production subsidiary – Alliance for Mining.

Alliance is the largest industrial gold producer in Sudan today. People are the core of our business. We want our employees to feel recognized and to have the maximum opportunities for personal and professional growth. As a result, we received the “Best Company of 2020” award from the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company and were commended by the Ministry of Energy & Mining. We continue to strive for excellence. Alliance has been recognized for its development of the country’s mining sector and for achieving outstanding results.

We believe that mutual respect and building trust with our local communities are critical to our success. In Sudan we ran and continue to deliver several engagement and development activities to generate tangible benefits for local communities and build mutual prosperity

With workers’ health being a top priority, and to ensure safe mining in Sudan, Alliance has world-class extraction methods. These technologies allow to extract 95% of available gold, compared to 30% extraction rates among traditional miners using millennia-old mercury techniques. The latter ones are not only uneconomical, but cause significant and devastating health hazards to traditional miners and local populations not to mention environmental destruction. In collaboration with the local and national authorities we are hard at work to address the challenge of mercury use among traditional small-scale miners.
Emiral has a full cycle exploration and mining business in Sudan with a production capacity of up to 95,000 oz. per annum. Each month, 7,000 meters of new drilling is performed.

Project milestones:

  • April 2013 –exploration license for Block 30 obtained
  • May 2015 – commenced gold production
  • January 2018 – increase of production capacity to 95,000 oz. per annum
  • March 2021 – 49,000 meters of RC drilling performed and 46,000 samples collected
  • May 2021 – ore processing increased up to 500,000 tons, grew our workforce with up to 750 employees
  • March 2023 – heap leaching added to operations