Our Blog2022-09-27T14:50:52+00:00



October 2024

Cleaning up Artisanal Mining

2 October, 2024|

Boris Ivanov, Founder, Emiral Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has supported communities for centuries - but is often controversial due to its environmental and social impacts. However, this informal sector is vital when it comes to supporting many developing nations, providing livelihoods for an estimated 45 million people globally. While [...]

September 2024

Innovations in Mining

24 September, 2024|

Boris Ivanov, Global Commodities expert and Founder of Emiral Resources Ltd Rapid digitalisation is pushing for the increasing incorporation of new technologies and innovations within the mining sector, which could transform it entirely. In fact, companies are increasingly seeking more innovative solutions in order to combat labour shortages, address scrutiny [...]

September 2022

Toxic Times: The Real Price of Gold

26 September, 2022|

Gold is a rare and precious metal, symbolising wealth and high status. Its value has recently reached a staggering $1,800 per ounce and its demand continues to shine. With gold prices remaining high amid weakened economies and fears of a global recession, more people are turning to illegal or unregulated [...]